Is IPL Hair Loss Permanent? An Expert's Guide

We often refer to IPL as a semi-permanent hair removal treatment, since although the initial course of treatments will remove all hair follicles, your body will eventually produce and develop more. Any other home treatment only provides temporary results, and in a few days or maybe at most a week or two, you will return to where you started, trying to remove unwanted hair. This cycle will continue until you take the first step and choose a treatment that will give you permanent results. Both laser and IPL treatments are extremely effective in permanently reducing unwanted hair growth, but can require significant investment in both time and money.

The average British woman spends £8,000 over her lifetime on hair removal products and treatments, so it is essential that you invest your money wisely to ensure you get good results. Laser hair removal is permanent when the hair follicle is destroyed. When the hair follicle is only damaged, the hair will eventually grow back. After an IPL session, damaged hair follicles will not fall out in an instant.

They stay on the skin and usually stick to the outermost layer of the skin or also known as the epidermis. As this layer is renewed, damaged hair follicles are expelled, which usually gives the impression that the hairs are growing again. However, in a week or two, the hair will naturally fall out of the skin. Although laser hair removal effectively slows hair growth for long periods, it usually does not result in permanent hair removal. Multiple laser hair removal treatments are needed for initial hair removal, and maintenance treatments may also be needed.

Laser hair removal is most effective for people who have fair skin and dark hair, but it can be successfully used on all skin types. Stabilizing your hormone while performing laser or IPL hair removal treatment may be the best way to achieve the desired result. When used specifically for hair removal, IPL typically requires six to eight treatments to see complete hair removal in one area. Some treatment providers simply reduce the heat of their IPL machines to prevent skin damage, but this prevents any results. Repeated treatments are usually necessary because hair growth and loss occur naturally in one cycle, and laser treatment works best with hair follicles in the new growth stage. The theory of laser treatment for hair loss is that low-dose laser treatments invigorate circulation and stimulation that encourages hair growth in the hair follicles.

Dr. Johnson reiterates that, unlike laser treatments that emit a specific wavelength, IPL works by emitting scattered wavelengths of light. Although IPL and laser hair removal treatment share some similarities, there are still significant differences between them. Most certified IPL providers aim to provide an 80% reduction in hair present at the start of treatment.

Therefore, IPL uses multi-spectrum lights, while the laser uses single-spectrum light, “which means that IPL energy is scattered and is a lotThis makes IPL a gentle and effective treatment for those suffering from rosacea and facial redness, as well as for hair removal. If you use depilatory creams but have scheduled an IPL laser treatment, you should wait at least six weeks after using one of these creams to undergo your treatment.

Gracie Szafraniec
Gracie Szafraniec

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